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Memorandum of Understanding by the Scientific-Medical Alliance for Rehabilitation and Cochrane Rehabilitation

The Scientific-Medical Alliance for Rehabilitation (German: Wissenschaftlich-Medizinische Allianz für Rehabilitation, WMAR) and Cochrane Rehabilitation have signed a memorandum of understanding. The memorandum of understanding between the two institutions provides a framework for joint activities with the aim of supporting and further strengthening evidence-based decisions by patients, healthcare professionals and decision-makers. In future, WMAR will report on the activities of Cochrane Rehabilitation in German on the WMAR website. You can find out more about Cochrane Rehabilitation at

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Mo, 28. Oktober 2024

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Cochrane Systematic Review

Title: Manual therapy and exercise for lateral elbow painGood to know: A three-week treatment with ...

Cochrane Rehabilitation Newsletter #79

The Cochrane Rehabilitation Newsletter #79 is available.